domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010


The African philosophy Ubunti is based on a concept of harmony and cooperation among a group to make this better and work smoothly, how people behave towards that group and how a person can feel in a way of protected and with feeling of personal growing depending on the group that surrounds him.

the person undertaking this philosophy think like "I am, because we are" and all feelings are shared among this social group, which creates an atmosphere of trust which helps to a better development to all activities and goal proposed.

If cross-cultural managers have a clear concept and implement this philosophy on the groups of working and employees, their tasks will be fulfill easily they will work in a harmony atmosphere which will increase one way or the other their productivity and will have a feeling of belonging and commitment which is difficult to reach if a group doesn’t cooperate like a family.
The main proposal if manager implement this is to make employees and partners work happier, understand their behaviors and make them feel they belong to the company make an harmony atmosphere to work and will gain lots of benefits by implementing this philosophy.

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