domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

merging and acquisition process

Merging and acquisition are 2 very common methods that companies use to expand the business and in some cases to grow in foreign markets.

Merging takes places when two companies decide to work together as one, and become one unique company, they share productivity knowledge and other factors to reach a common goal, when 2 companies merge as one they are looking for been bigger and stronger in the market and this leads to economical benefits for each partner.
In acquisition process what happens it’s not that tow companies decide to work together but in this case one of the companies decided to buy the other one to keep a full control of its process and give the other company a different management and organizational structure, in this case the company that acquires the other gains benefits such as market share, experience and process establishments and if the company its established in a foreign market gains all the process of adaptation and establishment in the new market.

There have been many acquisitions to Indian companies like for example the case of GHCL an Indian manufacturer and distributor of inorganic chemicals based in the state of Gujarat, acquired Dan River another example is the company Tata Steel bought the English-Dutch steel maker Corus it was a negotiation of about $12 billion.

An example of an Indian company that beholding this process it’s the airline company called Kingfisher Airlines, which is considered to be the best airline and its going through a process to merge with Iberia y British Airways. The decision and negotiation was fist taken by Iberia and British airways and consider with this merge they will have a clear potential market to be able to be part off. What they will do is work as one to offer better benefits to clients and be bigger and stronger in the market.


IOM and women migrant workers

The IOM (international organization for migration) is a intergovernmental organization established in 1951, committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society, they are focus on working to solve some direct dimensions of migration which includes: labor migration, family reunification, combating irregular migration, migration and trade, migrant rights etc.

Some of the IOM main focuses are:
Assist in meeting the growing operational challenges of migration management.
Advance understanding of migration issues.
Encourage social and economic development through migration.
Uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants.

The IOM works for the benefits and rights of the migrant and it is true that many migrants are woman which also have to face with rejection and misunderstanding and voluntary or many times obligated become migrants searching other opportunities or to escape from a cruel life. In order to help them the IOM works to protect woman migrant workers rights, offering policies that guarantee equal conditions for migrant woman’s, the IOM also provides information for woman to have a better opportunity and chances to avoid illegal migration, IOM and its programs helps woman to avoid discrimination and even have health assistant program, they become a support were woman find a real opportunity to undergo their migrant conditions.


The African philosophy Ubunti is based on a concept of harmony and cooperation among a group to make this better and work smoothly, how people behave towards that group and how a person can feel in a way of protected and with feeling of personal growing depending on the group that surrounds him.

the person undertaking this philosophy think like "I am, because we are" and all feelings are shared among this social group, which creates an atmosphere of trust which helps to a better development to all activities and goal proposed.

If cross-cultural managers have a clear concept and implement this philosophy on the groups of working and employees, their tasks will be fulfill easily they will work in a harmony atmosphere which will increase one way or the other their productivity and will have a feeling of belonging and commitment which is difficult to reach if a group doesn’t cooperate like a family.
The main proposal if manager implement this is to make employees and partners work happier, understand their behaviors and make them feel they belong to the company make an harmony atmosphere to work and will gain lots of benefits by implementing this philosophy.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Pygmalion Effect

The Pygmalion effect refers to enthusiasm and the willingness a team has to make a good performance in their project or work, in other words they will be as good as they wish to be in any performance or goal the team establish to accomplished. In any company the support and the treat of the personal will encourage a better performance. And if you are the leader of the group you will see this effect on how good your team does a job but depends on your willingness and dedication to them and their work. An example that can explain this effect will be group of synchronized swimming, were we can see a join group that has a goal of making all the movements well sync to win a competition, there must be support of all members and all of the must be conscious of how good they are to have a better performance in the competition, in this case the leader in charge to encourage them and depends on the trust he inspires to each member they will believe him or not they can make it. As a manner of example I will like to talk about the Mexican National team of synchronized swimming, their last achievement was winning their fourth gold medal and their enthusiasm and willingness to be the best have take them to the first place, I will like to share some comments that members of that team made after winning the gold medal (it’s an Spanish reference): "Esta es una rutina de la que más disfrutamos, estamos muy satisfechas por las puntuaciones y contentas por la cuarta medalla de oro" said mariana cinfuentes, and “Somos un equipo muy joven, creo que tenemos todavía mucho por hacer, además de que estamos motivadas y con las mismas metas, así que eso facilita las cosas”
This declarations clearly show their motivation to be the best, and as I explained before when a group of people have the same goals and are encourage to make their best effort they will definitely make it as what the Pygmalion effect refers too.
Nado sincronizado mexicano suma otro oro, available at, posted July 28, 2010.

task #4

in the list below you will find the link to the blogs i found interesting and made comments as part of the task # 4.

Carlos Roldan Vargas:
sebastian Gallon:
Karen Pereira :
Alejandro Bustamante :
Maria camila Osorio:

cultural dimensions, power distance

for international business it is very important to manage cultural diferences as we have seen in organizations and cultures class, we have to understand that further more than the negotiation and understanding of the project there are some implications and cutural customs or beliefs that must be taken into account, besides prof. hofstede's demostrated that national and regional cultural groupings affect the behaviour of societies and organizations and he reflect them in what is called the main cultural dimensions: individualism, masculinity, power distance, uncertainity avoidance.

i would like to make a special reference to power distance which i considered its the basic concept for well develpment in an organization.

Power Distance as explained in the conference "dealing with cultural diferences" its the degree at which the members with less power of a country or organization expect and accept that power is distributed in an unequal manner. when refering to an enterprise organization the power distance is reflecated in the Hierarchy which reflects the existent uniquality were the less powerfull people always are dependent of the more powerfull, the subordinates always expect to be told what to do and there is always a diferent treat between subordinates and boss, but when its a organization with low PD the general atmosphere of working change, theres mores sence of cooperation between members, and a constant interaction between the boss and the subordinates or employees with less hierarchy in the organization.

i would like to mention some countries which have a very significant power distance, for example countries with high PD are Arab countries, Guatemala, Malaysia, the Philipines, Mexico, Indonesia and India.

and countries which have a low PD are: Scandinavian countries, New Zealand, Irelan, Denmark, Austria, Israel, Swtzerland, Britain and Germany.

i considered very important to make a research on the power distance dimension in the company or country which we will make business with, this will guide you on how to work with them, how poeple of that culture intercat or not during the negotiation process, it is important to know how willing they are to cooperate, so you can have in advantage a defined strategy on how to work with them; related to the inner organization the power distance its always a important issue folowed by respect, which makes the basis of all relations.

as an example i would like to make reference to a study made with Asian adolescents (high power distance culture) which had greater difficulty discussing problems with their parents than did Caucasians (low power distance culture). this refelcts the cultural way of relating with others, it is easily to trust and in case of companies its easily to work and give suggestions, examples and advices to others in the organization when you are part of a low power distance culture, which makes yourself uncontious of the reaction and relationship with others.
conference "Dealing with Cultural Differences" by Nick B. Meyer

lunes, 26 de julio de 2010

when the tragedy of haiti happend, ofcourse everyone worried, everyone talked about it, everyone wanted to help, but now that some time has pass maybe some poeple have forget that the problem it caused and the consecuences of this tragedy will continue for over years, i found it interesting as its a call for everyone to not to forget, as it could have happend to any other country, like ours.

a voice from gaza
im the kind of person who thinks that you will never understand completly a problem/conflict untill you live it. but this kind of stories really make you realize the problematic situation that many people in the world has to afford everyday of their lifes, and the readings and videos of this blog make you apreciate all what you have been given.

an icy retreat
it is clear for everyone that global warming its creating fast changes in the atmosphere, one of those changes its the one mentioned and explain in this blog which i found interesting as it explains how the amount of sea ice has been changing during years, how those it happends, the evolution of the sea ice extent, how this is a influence on the earths temperature, which its important to have a knowledge of this to imagine the consecuences in our future.