The Pygmalion effect refers to enthusiasm and the willingness a team has to make a good performance in their project or work, in other words they will be as good as they wish to be in any performance or goal the team establish to accomplished. In any company the support and the treat of the personal will encourage a better performance. And if you are the leader of the group you will see this effect on how good your team does a job but depends on your willingness and dedication to them and their work. An example that can explain this effect will be group of synchronized swimming, were we can see a join group that has a goal of making all the movements well sync to win a competition, there must be support of all members and all of the must be conscious of how good they are to have a better performance in the competition, in this case the leader in charge to encourage them and depends on the trust he inspires to each member they will believe him or not they can make it. As a manner of example I will like to talk about the Mexican National team of synchronized swimming, their last achievement was winning their fourth gold medal and their enthusiasm and willingness to be the best have take them to the first place, I will like to share some comments that members of that team made after winning the gold medal (it’s an Spanish reference): "Esta es una rutina de la que más disfrutamos, estamos muy satisfechas por las puntuaciones y contentas por la cuarta medalla de oro" said mariana cinfuentes, and “Somos un equipo muy joven, creo que tenemos todavía mucho por hacer, además de que estamos motivadas y con las mismas metas, así que eso facilita las cosas”
This declarations clearly show their motivation to be the best, and as I explained before when a group of people have the same goals and are encourage to make their best effort they will definitely make it as what the Pygmalion effect refers too.
This declarations clearly show their motivation to be the best, and as I explained before when a group of people have the same goals and are encourage to make their best effort they will definitely make it as what the Pygmalion effect refers too.
Nado sincronizado mexicano suma otro oro, available at, posted July 28, 2010.